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A guide on how to use Keenious, an AI based tool that generates article suggestions based on an analysis of a text.

Keenious in Word

Keenious is pre-installed with Word as part of UEL’s Office365 package. It therefore works in both the online and desktop versions of Word. You should see the Keenious logo on the right-hand side of your toolbar in the desktop version. For Word in your browser, look for Keenious in the Add-ins section (the waffle icon in the toolbar). Using Keenious with Word enables it to analyse your text to provide suggestions of relevant journal articles.

After entering text in your Word document, click on the Keenious icon and select Explore using Text. Keenious analyses the text and suggests related journal articles. You can then apply Filters (see below) to focus the results on a particular time period or citation count.

One of the main advantages of using Keenious in Word is that you can search for related material at different stages of the writing process. By selecting a particular passage of text in your Word document and clicking the magnifying glass icon, Keenious will base its recommendations on the highlighted text, providing more focused suggestions.

Accessing Articles

If the article found is not available as Open Access, it may be available through our collections via LibrarySearch. If you are working off-campus, you will need to ensure you are logged in to UEL with your UEL account. Once logged in, you will then be able to check the availability of articles through LibrarySearch by clicking on the article title then selecting Check UEL Access. This will open LibrarySearch in your browser, which will indicate whether you have access to the article and, if so, provide you with a link to the paper. If you are working on campus, you will be logged in by default.


Keenious allows you to filter the results in a range of different ways.

  • Date filter - You can choose the years in which the articles you want to search for were published. For example, if you want to search for recent articles, select those published in the last couple of years.
  • Citation filter - If you want to find the most cited articles in your field and their authors, you can use the Citation Count filter. Simply set a minimum and/or maximum number of citations and the results will be filtered accordingly.

Keenious For Google Docs

There is also a Keenious plugin for Google Docs which is available here.