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Using Google Scholar and Advanced Search

Google Scholar can be useful in extra finding material for assignments and dissertations.  However, you should note that it is very difficult to filter the quality of the articles in the results, unlike the academic databases mentioned elsewhere on this lib guide.  It should never been be used as the sole source of articles for a search, as it does not cover all the literature on a subject.

It's main benefit is to add more potential material to the articles that you have already found on the main databases.

If you do decide to use Google Scholar, please view this helpful video guide on creating a link to the UEL library catalogue, so that you can access most of the material you find in the results.

Google Advanced is a separate search function, available within Google, that allows you to search for a specific type of document or only within a particular domain name.

For example, you might want to search reports published by different police forces in the UK on their approach to tackling knife crime.  In this example, you would go to Google Advanced and enter 'knife crime' in the exact phrase box.  Then below that you would add '' in the site or domain box, and finally select 'PDF' from the drop down menu for file type.

You will find that the results are all PDF files from websites that mention 'knife crime'.

Other domains it is useful to search are '' for official government documents, or '' for searching other educational institutions for papers in their repositories.  This is also useful for searching abroad in university repositories.  For example, if you wanted to search through articles written by academics in Nigeria, and held in their university repository, you would search the domain ''.