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Scholarly Communications

Where to start?

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a short document (usually between 1-3 A4 pages) which outlines how data will be managed throughout your research project, including creation, organisation, storage, security, and sharing of data. Planning for this at the outset will enable you to conduct your research more effectively. A DMP’s complexity can vary depending on the research project.

If your research will generate empirical or statistical datasets or other digital objects you will need to write a Data Management Plan (DMP). All applications to the University Research Ethics Sub-Committee must be accompanied by a DMP reviewed by the Library, Archives and Learning Services.

UEL DMP Template  

Our current UEL DMP Template is available from the below link:



Projects that began before September 2019:

If you began your project before September 2019 please use our Lite Template. Note, that this template will not be accepted for any new projects. If you require our DMP Lite Template or are unsure of which one to use, please contact us at


Writing a DMP is an opportunity for you to consider at an early stage potential issues you will encounter during your research and how you will mitigate these.

Your DMP:

  • Should be a concise, example-driven account of how you will manage your data


  • We recommend that your DMP does not exceed 3 pages in length


For further infomation on what is expected in each section of the UEL DMP Template please click on our DMP review rubric below:




On average, you'll need around 2 weeks to get your DMP ready for submission as part of your ethics application

If your project is to be submitted to the Ethics and Integrity Sub-Committee; please submit your first draft DMP to the library team at least 2 weeks before the deadline for Ethics applications.

The  Ethics and Integrity Sub-Committee (EISC) does not accept late applications for ethical approval

The deadline dates for the submission of applications for ethical approval are listed below, with the corresponding Committee meeting dates.

The table also shows the latest recommended dates to submit your initial draft DMP for each corresponding committee meeting date:

Semester A
Latest Recommended Start Date  Deadline for Applications 
        Tuesday 27th August 2024       Tuesday 10th September 2024
      Tuesday 1st October 2024 Tuesday 15th October 2024
   Tuesday 29th October 2024 ​Tuesday 12th November 2024
​Tuesday 19th November 2024 ​  Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Semester B
Latest Recommended Start Date  Deadline for Applications 
​   Tuesday 17th December 2024 Tuesday 7th January 2025
Tuesday 28th January 2025 Tuesday 11th February 2025
Semester C
Latest Recommended Start Date  Deadline for Applications 
       Tuesday 25th February 2025   Tuesday 11th March 2025
   ​Tuesday 1st April 2025 ​ Tuesday 15th April 2025
   ​Tuesday 22nd April 2024 ​Tuesday   6th May 2025
  ​Tuesday 20th May 2025 ​Tuesday   3rd June 2025
​  Tuesday 17th June 2025 Tuesday   1st July 2025

The library provides support for writing DMPs and a review service: contact for us to review your plan and provide feedback or if you'd like to meet to discuss your plan.

All applications to the University Ethics and Integrity Sub-Committee must be accompanied by a DMP reviewed by the library.


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We will review within 5 working days and request further information or amendments if necessary.