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Scholarly Communications

There are 2 main routes for making your research publications Open Access: self-archiving (known as Green Open Access) and pay to publish (Gold Open Access).


Self-archiving: the deposit of peer-reviewed manuscripts in an open access repository, such as UEL's Research Repository. Free of charge. Publishers will often apply reuse restrictions and stipulate an embargo period before the full text can be made available to download.

Pay to publish: Free, unrestricted access to the final published version of the research immediately upon publication. Licensed for reuse, often by a Creative Commons license. The publisher will require payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC).


There are also other models (Diamond/Platinum) used by some publishers where final published versions are made immediately Open Access without the payment of an APC by the author or institution. You can find journals that do not charge publishing fees listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (filter DOAJ by "without APCs").

Article Processing Charges (APCs):

In most cases, you can comply with UEL, REF, and Funder Open Access policies without paying a fee by self-archiving your research in the UEL Research Repository.

You can also publish Open Access without a fee by taking advantage of one of our Transitional Agreements.

Our institutional repository is an online platform for storing and sharing research publications, including journal articles, books, conferences proceedings, theses, and data.

Use the UEL Research Repository to take advantage of Green OA:

Greater dissemination

  • Depositing in UEL Research Repository enables greater dissemination via increased access. Publications in the repository are indexed in Google and other search engines.

Research Impact

  • Research released as Green OA benefits the most from the 'Open Access Citation Advantage'. Piwowar et al., (2018) note Green OA articles are cited 33% more than average.

Equity of Access

  • By providing free access to your research, you remove barriers to your outputs making your research more accessible to all, worldwide.


  • The Scholarly Communications team ensure compliance with copyright, embargo periods, and other publisher policies.

No cost

  • There are no fees or charges associated with making your research Green OA through UEL Research Repository.


Submitting your research to the repository:


Upon acceptance: send details of the publication, the date of acceptance, and a copy of the Accepted Manuscript to


Adapted from Deakin University Library (CC BY 4.0)


Alternatively, you can upload to the system yourself: login at and click 'Add output' on the right-hand side of the page.


After submitting for approval the Scholarly Communications team will check for all copyright or publisher requirements, including embargoes, and will upload to the UEL Research Repository for you in accordance with all relevant conditions.


Log in to add your research to the repository


How to add your research to the repository: