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What are Transitional Agreements?

Transitional Agreements:


UEL Library, Archives and Learning Services has Transitional Agreements (also referred to as Read & Publish deals) with Elsevier, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, and ACM. Under these agreements, UEL researchers can publish their review and primary research articles open access at no cost to the author in journals covered by our agreements with these publishers.

To be eligible to take advantage of the deals you must be the corresponding author for the output and use your current UEL email address on article submission.


Further details of each of our agreements are available below.

UEL Transitional Agreements

Jisc’s Read and Publish agreement with Elsevier: 

UEL corresponding authors can publish Open Access in Elsevier's eligible hybrid (subscription) journals without cost to the author

Journals covered by the agreement:

Participating hybrid journals, including Cell Press and the Lancet. To see which titles are covered - please use Elsevier's journal checking tool: Elsevier’s checking tool


You can also check which journals are included via the Jisc Transitional Agreement Look-up tool.


Journals not covered by the agreement:

APCs for articles in Elsevier’s 'fully Gold Open Access' journals are not eligible, and an individual APC will still need to be paid. However, if publishing in a Gold Open Access journal, a 15% discount is available on the APC.

What you need to do:

  • ensure you’re the corresponding author
  • follow the instructions on Elsevier’s page

  • confirm that you're affiliated with UEL

  • be sure to use your current UEL email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement.

  • use a CC BY licence

Wiley’s Jisc agreement:

UEL corresponding authors can publish peer-review research articles Open Access in Wiley's eligible journals without cost to the author.


Journals covered by the agreement:

If you're a UEL corresponding author and your article is accepted by one of the journals below, it will be Open Access; you won't need to get separate funding:


You can also check which journals are included via the Jisc Transitional Agreement Look-up tool.


What you need to do:

  • ensure you’re the corresponding author


The deal covers research and review articles.

More details about this agreement from Wiley's open access agreement website:

Taylor & Francis' Read and Publish Deal with Jisc:

Allows access to subscription articles while giving the corresponding authors at UEL the opportunity to publish open access in their 'Open Select' (hybrid) journals without cost to the author.


Journals covered by the agreement:

If you're a UEL corresponding author and your article is accepted by one of the journals below, it can be published Open Access; you won't need to get separate funding :

To verify if a particular journal is included in the agreement, use the Taylor & Francis Open Access Cost Finder. Ensure that the journal's OA Status is listed as 'Open Select'.


You can also check which journals are included via the Jisc Transitional Agreement Look-up tool.

What to do:

  • ensure you’re the corresponding author
  • select the T&F Open Select journal you would like to publish in,
  • read the journal's 'Instructions for Authors', which will give you a guide on how to submit your article,
  • submit on T&F's homepage
  • confirm you're affiliated with UEL, and that your institution will provide funding for open access publishing
  • and be sure to use your current UEL email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement.


For more information, please be sure to head to:

ACM Open Journals agreement with Jisc:

UEL corresponding authors can publish peer-review research articles Open Access in ACM eligible journals without cost to the author. The deal is in place for articles accepted from 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2025.

Journals covered by the agreement:

To see which titles are covered - please use Jisc's Transitional Agreement Look-up tool.


What you need to do:

From the submission stage onwards

  • ensure you’re the corresponding author
  • be sure to use your current UEL email address (not your private email address) to be identified as eligible under the agreement.
  • confirm that you're affiliated with UEL
  • use a CC BY licence