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Criminology and Policing

Subject Resources for Criminology and Policing

Welcome to the Criminology and Policing Guide. These pages highlight key resources which can be used to support your research in Criminology and Policing, and all related subjects. 

To see extra resources for students on the Babcock policing apprentices programme, please see this Teams page.

Academic Article Databases

Log on to a database in order to find journal articles and case studies  Use the Quick Guide to help get you started in your searching.

Legal Information Databases

Other Useful Databases

Printed Books

Books will give you an overview of a subject and associated theories.  They are not sufficient sources of information by themselves but they will give you a good base knowledge of a topic before you expand your search to the journals and databases.  The printed Criminology and Policing books are found on the 1st floor of the Stratford campus library.

See below for the class marks and links to the major subject areas in Criminology and Policing:


The Library has an extensive collection of e-books which can be found via the Library Search catalogue.  To filter the results to show only e-books, click on the link to 'Full text online' on the right-hand side.

There is also the E-Book Central catalogue for books on all subjects.

Research and Study Skills

In order to get the best from your studies, please see this list of books that can help you with starting university, writing essays and doing successful research in your chosen topic.

For further help with writing essays, developing your numeracy and referencing your assignments, please speak to the Academic Tutors.

Diverse Perspectives

A collection of resources from diverse perspectives are discoverable through our Library catalogue, across all subject areas and specifically for criminology and policing.

The collection is constantly growing and developing, and we encourage staff and students to help us to raise awareness of the materials available across the School and the wider university community.

The collection can be accessed here.  Below are a selection of the texts available.