We will try to make London Open Research Week as accessible as we can: Open Research should be open to all. Information on our technical accessibility measures is provided below, however if there is another measure you require to make the event accessible, please contact us and we will attempt to implement this where possible.
We will be hosting London Open Research Week on Microsoft Teams: a link to the session will be sent to you via email after you have registered to attend. This software is compatible with screen readers and also provides automated live captioning on the desktop app. Further information on accessibility in Microsoft Teams is available at the following link: Accessibility support for Microsoft Teams.
After the session has begun, on the Teams desktop app click 'more options' (button with three dots) then 'Turn on live captions'.
Sessions will be recorded: we will share the recordings and transcripts after the event, as well as the presentation slides where made available by the speakers. If you wish to ask a question you can do so by raising your hand in Teams and being invited to speak, or you can submit your question via the chat box if you do not wish to be recorded.
If you wish to request a specific accessibility measure, please contact us and we will try to accommodate this
Email Emma Illingworth: e.illingworth@bbk.ac.uk
If you encounter any technical issues either connecting to or during the event, please contact us and we will try to assist
Email David McElroy: d.mcelroy@bbk.ac.uk