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LALS: Speak, Share, Shape

Here's how Library, Archives and Learning Services have worked together with Student, Staff, External user feedback to improve our spaces and services.

UEL Library, Archives and Learning Services are committed to providing the best services for all our users. 
Through open discussions around changes we achieve tangible, positive outcomes.
Thankyou for helping us grow!

Here are some useful links and contacts to connect with us anytime:

Rules and Policies

Feedback Form

Enquiries Form

24/7 Chat with a Librarian

Frequently Asked Questions


Docklands Library Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8223 3434

Stratford Library Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8223 4646

@UEL Library is also on: YouTube, X, Facebook and Instagram

2023 - 24


  • Zones: we reviewed rules and setup new signage clearly explaining appropriate noise levels and behaviour for each part of the Library. We also included guidance on how users can report issues to library and security staff. 
  • Furniture: we replaced some of our old group study booths from Docklands Library second floor and removed all broken computer chairs.
  • Plug Sockets: we worked with our colleagues in Estates and Facilities to test plug sockets across both sites, repaired and replaced what was broken and installed new, above desk ports at Docklands Library.
  • Water Refilling Stations: we installed stations on all three floors at Docklands Library so users can use their own re-usable bottles/flasks.
  • Guidance: we created new posters with QR code linking to digital tutorials around key library services like printing, self-service machines, and catalogue search.
  • Study Spaces: we reviewed and created new, more suitable study spaces including larger Silent Study rooms and bookable Group Study Rooms.
  • Information: we created new, easy to read and understand content around Library services and facilities for Track My Future. We also produced new Start of Year videos, leaflets and hosted LibFest 2024 as part of this year's extended Welcome Week. We are continuously reviewing and updating information available from our website too!
  • Room Bookings: we extended our group study room bookings from one week to two.
  • IT Equipment: we increased the number of PC and Mac checks conducted by Docklands Library staff to report issues and organize replacements faster with our colleagues at IT Services. We are also working closely with them to set up additional IT equipment as part of our space rearrangements. 

2022 - 23


  • Information (Opening Times & Library Rules): We reviewed and adjusted the language used on the intranet and our newly installed plasma screen displays.
  • Face-to-face Support: we increased our face-to-face support, which is now available from 9am Mon-Fri, instead of 11am.
  • Opening Times: we extended our off-peak opening times from 9am-9pm to 8am-midnight September 2023.
    Our peak opening times have remained at 24/7. 
  • Noise control at Stratford Library: we set up a new Silent Study room on the Second floor, which was opened in the summer of 2023. 
  • Signage: we refreshed our existing signage and installed new wayfinding signage, to make it easier to navigate our spaces in the summer of 2023.