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Wellness Week

Digital Wellness

Digital wellness is about understanding the impact of technology and digital services on one’s mental, physical, and emotional health, understanding how to stay safe and well using it, and how to find a healthy balance.

In the Library we offer a number of services that aim to improve your digital capabilities.

Digital First Aid - Whether you're grappling with Microsoft Teams, lost in the intricacies of Microsoft 365, or feeling overwhelmed by Moodle, our expert team of experienced students are here to help. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to confidence with personalized, one-on-one sessions designed to navigate you through the digital wilderness. Book your appointment now, or simply show up during open hours and take the first step towards mastering the digital landscape. 

JISC Capabilites Tool - By undertaking questionnaires this tool can show you where your digital skills are strongest and where they need some work.  You can then explore library and IT training sessions to see where we can help.

Digital Detox - Sometimes Wellness is about not doing something and taking a break.  We can help with our Relax with a Book collections and Docklands and Stratford Libraries.  Both libraries have comforatble seating where you can settle down and get transported somewhere else.

For more information on Digital Wellness, please see the Wellness Sphere's page on the intranet.  You check out other Wellness Week activities here.