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Construction Information Service
Construction Information Service


Temporary login details
To access CIS:
1) Click 'create a new account'
2) Follow the onscreen instructions to create a new account with CIS. You must use your UEL email address for this. NB the activation code sent to your email address can take a few minutes to come through.
Once you have created your account you will be able to login with the username and password you created.
Once logged in select 'The Construction Information Service (CIS)' from the main menu.

The Construction Information Service (CIS) is an expert knowledge tool that delivers key technical information critical to all students interested in construction projects.
It contains information from a variety of useful publishers such as BSI, BRE, TRADA and CIRIA.
The CIS provides instant full-text access to current regulations, standards, technical advice and a vast array of related news and briefings. It is fully searchable, intelligently classified and constantly updated.
